Thursday, September 13, 2007

TCA Takes Home a TRASHY!

You heard it here first. Recently, The Cyphers Agency took home top honors at the Advertising Association of Baltimore's annual "Never Saw The Light of Day Awards!!" These awards, also called the "Fake Addys," honor the area's top creative that never appeared in print or online.

To me, these awards were huge. You might ask yourself, "why is it so important to win a contest that judges rejected work?" But to us, it stands for so much more. Let me explain. We are always telling our clients and prospects that you have to be able to be gutsy with your marketing to make sure it stands out from the clutter.

Unfortunately, many clients and prospects are unable to do so, and when we come up with a rocking concept that we know will cut through the clutter, they undoubtely become squeamish about putting that out in the public eye. Doesn't make much sense does it? I guess they don't usually see it that way when it's their business...It's a shame.

This was our first time entering these awards, so we were really set on making a big splash. And make a splash, we did! I won't tell you which creative actually won the contest (I wouldn't want to rub it in their face that we won with their rejected creative), but I will show you a sweet picture of the trophy. It's not an Addy - it's a TRASHY
More Cyphers Agency news later on. Be cool!


Garret Ohm

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