Thursday, September 13, 2007

Great Meeting Today

Dave, Sarah and I had a great meeting today with a new prospect that shall go nameless until we win it (fingers crossed). We certainly felt as if there was great chemistry, and that we have what it takes to really get them back on the right track with marketing - which will in turn give a shot in the arm to the sliding sales they're currently experiencing.

We're really hopeful that we win it for a couple of reasons. For one, they seem like really great people. Apparently it's a family owned business (2nd generation) and the current management is really looking to take the business in the right direction. They were very receptive to our initial ideas and strategy, and seemed to really respect us, which is so important. As Dave said in the meeting, "we know marketing well, but we'll never know your business as well as you do." It's so true, and it goes in both directions.

We also see a ton of potential with them. Right now they're suffering from the lack of agency love - that is, the agency they were working with wasn't really giving them the attention they needed. They were getting canned, basic work and nothing was being done strategically or pro-actively.

It was a sad situation for them, but a great opportunity for us. We're already confident that we can get in there and make some things happen for them. We talked lots about how difficult it is to get your message heard in the sea of over-saturated media, and discussed some of the ideas we had in that direction. I can't wait to put this proposal and final pitch together.

I'll keep everyone posted, for sure! We'll be presenting a proposal to them in a couple of weeks.

Garret Ohm

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