Thursday, September 13, 2007

Home & Company Marketing & Other Updates

Hi all -

The week coming up is going to be a busy one, no doubt. Other than the Preston pitch, which happens on Wednesday, I'll be focusing my attention on preparing a pitch for two other prospective clients: KC Company and Home & Company.

While I think KC Company is a much bigger company and probably has a much much bigger budget, I do believe Home & Company gets me more excited than any other prospect that I've pitched in recent memory. Why? Because I LOVE the store. The first time I stepped in the brand new store in Annapolis, I fell in love. I'm a contemporary kind of guy when it comes to home furnishings including art and furniture. And home theater and game rooms make my heart race. So to visit a store that so clearly has such a contemporary flare for BOTH, is a dream come true. It's a guy's paradise, but one of their selling points is that it's all so stylish that the women aren't forced to use the feared "veto vote."

One of the coolest things I saw when I went in there wasn't the lifesize wooden models of the Blue's Brothers, the $150,000 home theater room mock-up, or the entertainment center with the magical disappearing plasma was actually the Harley Davidson pool table. It was a full size pool table, that looked like the boys from American Chopper got ahold of it. It was custom, from the ground up. It had chromed accent pieces, Harley Davidson logos, rich woods, and the signature HD color schemes. It was "cherry!" Now I'm not a big biker, but I CAN appreciate art in any form - so I was in awe of this thing. All of a sudden, I had flashes of us working for them and getting a discount on it - and PUTTING IT IN OUR OFFICE. Can't you see it? Working hard all morning only to take a much needed brainstorming break over a game of pool? SWEET.

Ok, well, I'll stop rambling. My point is, I really hope we get to work with them. It's always easiest (and probably most effective) to work with companies that you really believe in. I've bitten on this concept hook line and sinker - so hopefully I'll be able to report back in a couple of weeks that we've gotten underway with them.

If you want to take a look at their Web site, feel free. Keep in mind that their Web site, in my opinion doesn't represent the company the way it should, but hopefully we'll get the opportunity to FIX THAT.

Garret Ohm

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