Wednesday, November 28, 2007

I got elfed

Yesterday I got an email from my sister, the subject was "I got elfed." I thought, 'what did she send me now' because she is always sending me something a little off the wall but funny. I clicked on the link and two elfs pop up, one had my face on it and the other had her face on it. Then they started to dance to this big band type Christmas song...and it was too cute for words! After the dancing elfs disappeared my curiosity of where this came from led me to the OfficeMax website. Who knew OfficeMax could be so creative to create a viral campaign such as this?! Well, they sure did succeed because I've been emailing my buddies across the country 'my-elf-dancing-self' and they too had been elfed!! I even had a friend of a friend in Switzerland who got elfed!

I did some research to see who the clever ad agency was that created this elfamorphosis. And apparently this elf phenomenon started in 2006 and generated more than 11 million elves last year! This year, visitors have the option to either "Elf" themselves or expand the elf concept by "elfing" themselves along with three other friends -- creating a band of four elves. And for the scrooges out there, OfficeMax created a new character called --

This is a perfect example of a successful viral marketing campaign using an interactive video clip. Everyone loves to see pictures of themselves and post them online for all their friends and family to see. So when you put your face on a very cute animated elf, who doesn’t want to pass it along to their friends and then their friends and so on…resulting in millions of elves by the end of the holiday season. We have been following this viral marketing trend for quite some time now, check out our white paper at and click on the “hmmmm” tab.

But here is the BEST part about this blog – watch us get “Elfed!”

1 comment:

Anna said...

A very cool campaign, and as for our version of being "elfed".... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!